I first met Matan at the end of 2021 when I applied for the Full Contact that he is hosting together with Juli Gabor. It is a Study Group for Contact Improvisation (CI), a form of improvised dancing.
Exploring the field of CI enriches my life on many different levels. One of the main topics of dancing CI obviously is getting in (physical) contact with other people. After years of pandemic that was special. CI also means connecting to myself, connecting to my body.
Sometimes I feel sad, that I haven’t found Contact Improvisation earlier. In my twenties for example, when I was a student with a younger body and having plenty of time. At the same time I am grateful that I startet the journey. Diving into the universe of Contact Improvisation in my forties was definitely one of the best decisions of my life.
Dancer: Matan Levkowich
Location: Prater, Vienna
Date: June 2022
📷 © Theresia Kaufmann